
The Alpha Course

Next course:
Thursday 24th April 2025, 7pm-9pm

Christ Church Southport
Lord Street
Southport PR8 1AA

You’re invited to Alpha for a time of great food, even better conversation and talks that make you think. Come along – what have you got to lose?

What is Alpha?

What is Alpha?

It’s a place to explore.

Alpha is an opportunity to explore the big questions of life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. We intentionally create a relaxed and low-pressured atmosphere so no question is ‘off the table’ and everyone is welcome. Alpha has been running all over the world for the last couple of decades in churches, pubs, prisons & homes where nearly 30 million people have taken part and loved the experience.

What Happens at Alpha?

What happens at Alpha?

Talks that make you think.

Alpha runs across 10 sessions. Each week you’ll watch an engaging film approximately 25 minutes long, on various topics. After you’ve watched, you’ll join others to chat and engage in open, honest discussions.

How Do I Sign Up?

How do I sign up?

How to sign up.

Just send an email to and we’ll get in touch.

Please don’t worry if you change your mind; we won’t hound or hassle you – it’s not how we do things!

Any Questions?

Got any questions?

Send us an email and we’ll answer as soon as we can.


Invite Someone

Invite someone


Why not invite someone you think may be interested in Alpha? Just send them the link to this page – it might be just what they’re looking for!

Upcoming Course Dates

Upcoming Course Dates

Upcoming Course Dates at Christ Church:23rd April 2025 7pm-9pm
23rd September 2025 7pm-9pm
23rd September 2025 10am-12pm
Youth Alpha course dates to be confirmed.